Metadata Cleaner to remove
your digital footprint

Remove metadata from your images and files and stay anonymous online and prevent data leaks


Privacy Focused

We do not access the contents of uploaded files. We remove the metadata

Your files are removed immediately.


Create governance policies to automatically strip metadata when it is ingested.

Automate your governance.


We turbocharge our servers to remove metadata, and I mean fast!

Let us worry about the infrastructure.

Before and After Cleaning

HEIC files

PDF files

JPEG files

XLSX files

Frequently Asked Questions

Metadata is information about a file, such as its creation date, modification date, and file size. It is also used to store information about the content of a file, such as the camera settings used to take a photo or the author of a document.

The file extensions TaskMate supports are:

.aif .aifc .aiff .avi .bat .bmp .c .conf .css .def .docx .epub .flac .gif .h .heic .htm .html .in .jpe .jpeg .jpg .ksh .list .log .m2a .m3a .m4v .mp2 .mp2a .mp3 .mp4 .mp4v .mpg4 .mpga .ncx .odc .odf .odg .odi .odp .ods .odt .oga .ogg .pdf .pl .png .ppm .pptx .spx .svg .svgz .tar .text .tif .tiff .txt .wav .xht .xhtml .xlsx .zip

Feel free to contact us if there is a filetype you would like added.

When you upload a file, our metadata tool will identify and remove the metadata depending on the file extension and MimeType.

The file will be stripped of metadata, and a clean file will be available for download immediately.

Removing metadata in general can result in files being corrupted.

Our Metadata Cleaner has looks for file extensions and MimeTypes, with profiles for each which try to reduce the risk of this occurring, which works well.

When you remove metadata from a file, you are essentially deleting information about the file. This can sometimes cause the file to become corrupted. For example, if you remove certain metadata from a photo, the photo may no longer be able to be opened.

If you are considering removing metadata from your files, we recommend that you keep a backup of your files first. This way, you can restore your files if they become corrupted.

Feel free to contact us if there is a filetype with consistent metadata cleaning errors, we would love to fix that for you.